
Dr. Susan Landes offers group, individual, or in-service consultation to organizations, interns, students, and licensed therapists seeking to deepen the nature and understanding of their clinical work.
An important part of being a therapist is the commitment to lifelong learning. One of the many rewarding aspects of my career has been helping other clinicians work through the challenges of their work, such as, learning how to work with negative transference and difficult counter-transference experiences. I can help clinicians stregthen their clinical skills with clients that have addictions, impulse control, and trauma related challenges. Additionally I have worked with substance abuse treatment programs that are needing advice on how to better help their clients.


I was an adjunct professor at Sacramento State University in the Psychology Department where I taught Couples Therapy and Substance Abuse Intervention and Treatment.

Currently I am an adjunct professor at Alliant International University in Sacramento. I have taught Substance Abuse Intervention and Treatment, Treating Trauma, and Foundations in Psychology.

I have given many in service training’s on multiple topics including:

  • DBT

  • Using DBT with substance abuse

  • Control Mastery Theory

  • Using control mastery theory in the treatment of trauma

  • Using control mastery theory in the treatment of substance abuse

There is also a large element of teaching with Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Clients learn new skills weekly. Click here for more information.