Want to replace dysfunctional problem-solving behaviors such as suicide attempts, intentional self-injuring, binging and purging, drug and alcohol use, and other harmful coping strategies with new coping skills?

The Auburn Davis Center for Dialectical Behavior Therapy (ADCDBT) offers a comprehensive program that involves participation in a weekly DBT skills training group, weekly individual DBT therapy and coaching calls (telephone support by your individual therapist).


What is the Group Like? 

In DBT we teach a set of skills intended to help you cope with lifes challenges and to build a life worth living. You will be given a notebook with all the skills. The group is designed around learning these skills and practicing them at home. The DBT skills we want you to integrate into your life is the homework. The first half of the class is spent with everyone describing their experience in learning the skills. The last half of class teaches new skills.


Why is this type of Group Beneficial? 

Participants often find hearing about the experience of others one of the best parts of the class.  Most participants initially worry about talking about their experience, but their worries don’t seem to last.  Some prospective participants worry that the homework will be difficult.  It is easy to understand, yet almost everyone finds it challenging to use these new skills and give up old dysfunctional ways of managing stress.

There are three training modules, each lasting six weeks. We do exercises to introduce you to the experience of Mindfulness (moment-to-moment non-judgmental awareness) in every group. Then regardless of when you enter the program, you will learn Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance and Interpersonal Effectiveness skills.


To Learn More about Dialectical Behavior Therapy Click Here